The Planner Wire

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Planner’s Guide - Putting FUN in FUNctional

Starting a new planner is an exciting time but it can also be a bit intimidating. The crisp paper, that new planner smell (IYKYN), writing your name on the first page or laying down the first stickers can make anyone feel a bit anxious. Especially if you have recently found the planner community and have been scrolling all the gorgeous planner spreads on social media, planning can seem overwhelming. The most important thing to remember is that your planner is a tool that helps you stay organized, manage your time, check off your tasks and keep your schedule on track. Finding a system that works for your lifestyle and season will help everything fall into place. 

While function is very important when it comes to planning, it's often the creative aspects that keep us coming back. So here are some quick tips to help you put a little FUN into your FUNctional planner pages:


Color coding is a fun and easy way to organize your schedule and tasks quickly.  Create a color system by area of life, type of task or family/team member to get a snapshot of your time and to do list. Use tools like transparent dot stickers, highlighters or dot markers. 


Creating sections in your planner is a great way to give yourself quick reference points, a dedicated focus area (ie goals or budget) or call out important pages. Planner sections can be made in different ways depending on the type of planner you are using (coilbound, discbound, ringbound or bookbound). They can be as minimal, colorful, decorative or stylish as you want. Use tools like dividers, tabs and dashboards.


Stickers and stamps make everything better…right! What is more fun than adding an icon or color box to draw your eye into your planner pages and help focus your attention on certain things. Suddenly a dreary task or appointment doesn’t seem so bad. Your pages have color and whimsy that make you feel happy. Use tools like icons, colorful boxes and inspirational quotes

4. Customize 

Making your planner your own is probably the best way to add fun into your planner journey. Don’t be afraid to journal, punch or tip in pages, pictures and other mementos from your year. When you inject pieces of your life, style, thoughts and feelings into a planner it becomes a part of your story. Use tools like brush pens, punches and decorative pieces.


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